Holarrhena antidysenterica

Holarrhena antidysenterica

Botanical Name: Hollarhena Antidysentrica

Common Name: Bhaate Khirraa, Indrajau, Kurchi, Kacheri, Kewat

English Name: Conessi, Tellicherry bark, Easter Tree, Kurchi

Parts Used: Whole Plant

Habit and Habitat: Tropical Himalaya, Myanmar, India, Indo-China, Malaya

Description: Shrub or small tree. Leaves opposite, membraneous, 15-30 x 3-12 cm, nearly sesile, ovate oblong. Flowers white, in terminal corymbose cymes. Seeds elongated and light yellow.

Uses: Various parts of the plant are used for colic, anemia, constipation, spleen complaints, epilepsy, spermatorrhoea, labour complaints and dog-bite. Root bark is very useful in dysentry with bloody – stools, vaginitis, and bladder stone. Bark paste is applied for rheumatic inflammation, dropsy, desyntery. Gargling with bark decoction reduces toothache. Leaves are used in chronic bronchitis, boils, ulcers and dysentry. Fruit extract is antiprotozol, anticancer and bhypoglycaemic. Seeds are useful in diarrhoea and intestinal worms and for eczema.

References: A compendium of Medicinal Plants in Nepal by Sushim Ranjan Baral and Puran Prasad Kurmi (October’ 2006)

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