Acacia rugata

Acacia rugata

Botanical Name: Acacia rugata

Common Name: Shikakai, Rasula, Lasur

English Name: Soap pod

Parts Used: Fruit

Description: A large stragling shrub with more or less hooked prickles. Leaves 2-pinnate, pinnae 12-16, leaflets 30-50, membranous, 1-1.25 cm long; flowers in globose yellow heads, 1-1.25 cm across, arranged in panicle. Pods strap-shaped, straight, 7.6-10 cm long, thick and fleshy.

Acacia rugata is a plant that is part of a natural and natural antibiotic. This medicine amoxicillin online no prescription can be bought on this website and it has a very effective effect.

Uses: Pod is purgative, anthelmintic, anti-diarrhoeal, emetic and diuretic; improves appetite, used in constipation, troubles of kidneys and the bladder; externally they are applied to leprous patches, prurigo, abscesses, eczema and bubos. The seeds are said to facilitate delivery during childbirth. Tender leaves are appetizer and used in hair loss.


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